Wescast Industries| Brantford, Ontario, Canada
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Wescast Brantford Plant began operations in 1991. They are a high production facility specializing primarily in automotive exhaust manifolds for the OEM market. The foundry uses the Epoxy Acrylic process for their core process. Their production capacity is 7 million castings per year at an average of 10 lbs. per casting.
General Foundry Information:
Casting Metal Type:
- Silicon-Molybdenum Alloy Iron
Melting Facility:
Core Process:
- Epoxy Acrylic binder system
Molding Process:
Cleaning Facility:
- Didion drums and pneumatic wedges
- Break off (gate and riser removal)
- Grinding Stations
Project Objectives:
- Reduce PPM Employee Exposure Levels
- Improve Machine Productivity
- Improve Process Repeatability and Reliability
They installed the MT Systems' SO2/N2 blending system to provide blended SO2/N2 gas to the central gassing header. The system consisted of the following:
- Vaporizing System - Vaporizes liquid SO2 from their SO2 bulk storage tank into gaseous SO2.
- Blending System - Blends SO2 and N2 gases into the specific ratio needed to optimize the curing of the cores.
- On-line Analyzer - Analyzes gas composition in the header for verification and recording of the process.
- Control System - Controls the entire process, provides a quick and easy way to monitor and change the process and provides on-line diagnostics which increases overall uptime.
- Safety System - Built in safety for operator and system protection
General Core Information:
- Number of SO2/N2 Blending Systems - 1
- Number of Core Machines - 3
- Typical Blow Weight - 30 Lbs
- Average Machine Cycle - 52 Sec
- Gassing Times - .8 to 1 Sec
- Purge Time - 12 Sec
- Gassing Pressure - 14.5 PSI
- Purge Pressure - 45 to 60 PSI
- Avg. SO2 usage - 24 Lbs/Ton of Mixed Sand
Results and Benefits:
- Reduction in SO2 core residuals by: 70%
- Increased productivity by 10.34%
(Overall machine cycle: Before 58 Sec. and after 52 Sec.)
- Reduced purge cycle by 33%
(Before 18 Sec. | After 12 Sec.)
- Reduction in employee SO2 PPM exposure levels by 70% (Canadian maximum exposure limit is 2 PPM, Wescast operates below .5PPM)
- Flexibility over controlling the SO2 process
- System is designed to ASME specifications
System Justification:
- Increased core machine productivity
- Reduce plant air consumption due to lower purge times
- Better environmental conditions due to lower core residuals and lower operator PPM exposure
NOTE: Wescast wanted to make sure we point out - This system does not replace the need for proper maintenance of equipment and core tooling. You can not tell the difference between a leaky core box using 100% SO2 or the same core box using a 50% SO2.