For over 30 years, MT Systems has been a supplier of cost saving, process control equipment to the metalcasting industry. Our first product offering was the very successful Smart Pump resin control system. Over 150 of these systems have been installed in metalcasting facilities throughout North America.
The RealTime control system followed which incorporated the features of the Smart Pump systems with PLC based control of other systems and equipment in the core or mold making process. These systems provided the control and process feedback managers needed to evaluate and adjust their process. Over 40 of these systems were installed in successful metalcasting facilities operated by companies such as Caterpillar, Betz Foundry, Giddings & Lewis and Elyria Foundry.
Additional product lines have been developed to assist the metalcasting industry in adapting to changing availability of raw materials and new regulatory requirements. These product lines include:
Our product pages provide the specific features and benefits of MT Systems standard products. Note that each of these systems can be tailor designed to your specific process needs or sold as a standard designed product.
Click links in the Product Pages|Foundry section to view product pages.
Through the years, our customers have shared their project evaluation and cost justification studies with us. They were generally so pleased with the results that they allow us to share the results with potential new customers so they can experience the same benefits. The case studies outline the specific results and pay back periods for that particular system.
Click links in the Case Studies|Foundry section to view case studies.
We have compiled lists of previous customers by product type for potential end users. These references will provide unbiased opinions on our equipment's performance, our staff's professionalism and overall dedication to the success of their project. Feel free to contact any company on these lists. You can contact our This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for specific contact names and phone numbers.
Click links in the Customers |Foundry section to view customer lists.